Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Some Thoughts on Evolution

I am pressed for time today and the Sun is shining brightly, so this may be a quickie today:

I have a few thoughts on Evolution. I'm not sure why, but I have some random thoughts on it. For starters, I still don't see why Evolution conflicts with Religion so intensely, at least in it's basic theory. Actually, I do understand but do not agree with many of the arguments. And I do understand that "science" and "liberalism" not only make for strange bedfellows but for an alliance that looks to destroy Christianity, as well as some other religions. But just because Evolution has been take to the umpteenth degree and is used as a weapon instead of a tool, it still should not cause such a row. At least in my opinion. If a theory as flimsy as Evolution unnerves my faith in God, then I need to be reading the Bible more than I need to be reading a textbook. And maybe Christians need to learn to act like Christ Himself in our everyday lives instead of acting like Christ's bodyguard in matters of politics and science most days.

I have gone back and forth on the issue of whether the Earth was created in seven literal days or seven billion years. And I will probably change my mind on the issue seven hundred more times before I die. But I DO know that God created the Earth however He chose to create the Earth in as many days/years as He decided to do such creation. I see no reason for conflict or schisms. And it only becomes a distraction when matters such as creation/evolution take the place of our thoughts in matters of our walk with God. Don't get me wrong, I love to read and study things that I am unsure about or things that I don't understand. But there are times, many times, when I should be a little more pragmatic about the realities that surround me in my everyday life; instead of squandering thoughts and time on things past and less significant to my life that should be an emulation Christ.

And Evolution is such a flimsy theory. And we must remember that it is still only a theory regardless of the dogma that science and liberalism brandishes it with. The fossil record is incomplete. The methods of dating fossils is questionable. The study of neutrinos and such, alter dating methods and standard models. Not to mention the common sense questions that Evolution doesn't recognize: Like why such a diversity of animal life on the planet? But that may be more of an adaptation question... But why are there so many kinds of birds? And why aren't all living things birds? Or fish? Or amphibians? If evolution teaches that survival goes to the fittest, then wouldn't billions of years only produce a handful of species as it weeds out the inferior species? And why are humans the only beings with souls? When did we evolve into having souls? Why don't animals hold elections? Why don't animals have mayors? Why has no other species invented a tool; not used a stone as a tool, but created a tool out of more than a stick and a rock? Why did humans evolve to such a higher degree? What church does a lizard attend? Who will a chimpanzee take to Senior Prom? What is the reason...I guess you get the picture.

Science has it's place. And for someone who always attacks "science", I actually love to read scientific stuff. I just happen to find that science and learning reinforces my faith instead of disrupts it; like many people who try to use "science" for doing to most of us common Joes. I rarely find much of a conflict except in the dogmatic proselytism yielded by many churches and "science" alike.

I planned on getting into more subjects,but spent my time on just this one. So much for brief thoughts, huh?!!? Friday I plan on writing about "The End of Christianity in America." And I'm certain that it will not be as brief as I plan either.

I will end here for today after I thank everyone for reading and supporting this blog. I enjoy it immensely and I do hope to cover a broader scope of topics; and drift away from so many politics.

So Thanks for reading and I hope that everyone has a good day!


Shawna said...

I enjoined your rant on evolution. I think evolution is a crock, adaptation is more my bag. i wonder is you have watched Expelled yet, I love Ben's dry humor.

I've fallen off the blogging wagon and it looks like I have a lot of reading to do to catch up.

Hope the fam is well.

RMason said...

Thanks, Shawna. I have not seen Expelled, but I would like to. I like Ben Stein.

I miss your blogs, but i understand how difficult it is to find time.

All is well here, and I hope the same is true in Vegas. Take Care!