Today is another day that I will try to clear away some clutter, scribblings, and musings that are piled up on my desk. So this may be more random than usual:
I see Nadya Suleman, a.k.a. the Octomom, is actually trying to get a trademark on the name, "Octomom". She has plans to franchise. I am not sure of what kind of merchandise she will sell, but I am certain that it will be very classy and child-friendly, as she loves her meal tickets, I mean children, very dearly. She could easily be mother of the year if it weren't for several celebrities that come to mind...give me a break...
And speaking of children, why is it that when I can't sleep and decide to get up early, that my kids decide to sleep in? How do they know? Do they plan this stuff behind my back? Either way, I wouldn't trade them for anything; just loan them out for a while. And the quiet morning has been nice. Too bad I'm not much of a morning person, it would have been especially nice.
I read about another potential planet the other day. And this potential planet possibly has a prospective ocean that may potentially be as deep as our real, unimagined oceans.. And the proof of these probabilities? The possible planet is close to the same size as the Earth. Wow! Now that is evidence that is difficult to debate against. That doesn't explain why Venus doesn't contain life; but I think that potential rules apply to prospective galaxies and do not adhere to those of our own Solar System. As far as I can follow anyway...
How about the Car Czar? Weren't Czars prominent in Russia? I'm just asking...anyway it seems that another Obama chosen sycophant has been tied to a scandal. This time in the form of the kickback scheme of the New York State pension funds. I know this is old news, which was barely reported by our fair-minded mainstream media, but I still wonder if Obamas judgement is what it has been built up to be. It couldn't be the company of people that he keeps, it must be as innocent as judgement; our president really cares. He even said so. On T.V....
I have been chomping at the bit to write more about the Tea Parties that were held last week, but again I will digress. Except for saying that it turned into a battle between Fox News and CNN; and once again regular Joes lost out. Or did they? I think enough regular Joes caused enough stink that it concerned the liberals, who are gaining more power every day. A friend of mine sent me a good article written by Michelle Malkin, on the new documents put out by the DHS, Department of Homeland Security. The article made me very nervous, and that is no joke. The document, not the article written by a journalist, reads," Right wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment." Basically calling those who protest against the liberalization and nationalization of America, terrorist suspects. And I'm not embellishing here. I plan on blogging on the Political and Economic climate later, so I will be brief today. But everyone should read the document for themselves and not take my word for it. It is scary. Thanks, Greg for sending me that nightmare!...and wouldn't Jefferson be a suspected terrorist when he said that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing? I'm just asking...
And on the terms of nationalization, my friend, Mark sent me an article reading," U.S. May Convert Bank Bailouts to Equity Shares." Which means that the government will OWN AND OPERATE more of the banking system. Now that's scary. And again, I will digress until a later date. but this scares me as well, and I don't scare easy. And again I quote Jefferson, "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies..." And now "they" will be controlling both, with "they" being the government that does not represent the desires of the people any longer. We has better wake up and remember Jefferson again, " A government big enough to give you al that you want,is big enough to take away everything that you have."
And while on Jefferson quotations," A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labour the bread it has earned- this is the sum of good government." Reread and think about that one...
What is with the new law proposals dealing with hate crimes? And what is a hate crime? And are there any love crimes; to be diametrically opposed? Or inversely implied? And Iknow this makes me sound "hateful" and worse, the dreaded "C" word, close minded; but I don't understand the logic behind making harsher penalties for hate crimes. Not too mention that it is a slippery slope. Where will the line be drawn a to what is hate? And with the "current economic and political climate" as stated in the DHS papers, we may all find ourselves guilty of such hate crimes. And if I were gay or black or Latino, I would not want such further polarizing laws. If we, being all people, really want more freedom and less discrimination, then we need a set of laws that apply to each and every one of us; not an extra ten year sentence if a certain type of person is the recipient of a crime. And if we say we want justice and an even shake, then we couldn't accept preferential treatment in the law books, or in our every da life. If we do want the preferred, gold-card treatment dealing with our civil liberties, then we are proposing to gain the upper hand, not equality; and make as ourselves as guilty as those we oppose in these terms and codes. Maybe the right to be as wrong as our neighbor is what i really at stake here. And don't get me wrong, I am against the mistreating of anyone regardless of whatever reason. But I don't feel we need more laws to enforce; laws that could be misused by whoever is in control on whatever day or whichever courtroom. People should be punished for their crimes; that ideology is about all that keeps me from being a Libertarian. But further classifying laws will not benefit our society...
I try to steer clear of the homosexuality issue, but it is getting more difficult to do everyday. I have seen people, both homo and hetero, hurt too often by other people. I have seen "church people" mistreat people that Jesus died for; just as He died for the self-righteous. I have seen "secular" people hurt caring people with harsh words and judgements. I know that people are gonna mistreat people and whatever trait of the other is the most prominent is the easiest target; but we need to love and respect each other. There was a good example on Facebook the other day; two friends and classmates of mine, on total opposite ends of the spectrum, had a discussion on the subject of same sex marriage. There was no name calling or hatred. Each showed respect despite totally disagreeing. Granted, these two are wiser than most of us, and probably more caring as well; but we can all strive to leave our comfort zone and listen to each other. I applaud Heidi and Bill Ed for inspiring me and being a paradox as to how we should conduct business these days. Our nation will have to face some deep, dividing issues very soon and I just hope and pray that our hearts are right before our mouths engage debate.
And that is it for today. I am having trouble editing, so ignore the many mistakes; as I will not proofread today due to the technical issues and my lack of prowess. May God Bless everyone and have a great weekend!
Morehouse Flood 2011
13 years ago
wow, lot's of powerfully hot topics in this one. thanks, ronnie for mentioning in your blog one that is important to me. just wanted to add that that truth is the truth and not relative. yes, we can have disagreements, but hopefully the discussion can help point to the truth. and i do believe that this blog attempts to do just that. keep in mind that just because someone doesn't believe in gravity does not mean that stepping off a cliff may not have tragic consequences.
I crammed in as much stuff as I could into this one, greg.
excellent point about the gravity/cliff perspective. if only everyone would search for the truth...
and thanks again for sending me the article on the DHS and their new views. It certainly is unnerving though...
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