Friday, December 5, 2008

Something A Little Different

Why do we, do I , concern myself with social and political issues?

If I truly believe, and I do, that God is sovereign and in control regardless of what goes on in our world, why do i find myself so concerned with earthly things? And as a Christian, am I not supposed to be more focused on the kingdom of heaven, than worldly governments kingdoms?

Why should I be frustrated over bail outs and angered at $620 million visitor centers built so that Harry Reid wont have to smell the lowly tourists who wish to view and experience their government at work?

Why the concern over economic matters? Doesn't God promise to care for us and provide for all of our needs?

But am I worried about my needs being met or concerned that someone will cause an issue with my wants?

This blog is not my life. I enjoy it, it helps me to vent, and it is a decent outlet for my two-cent ideas and philosophies. But I want this blog to be something productive. My desire is for this to serve purpose. I hope that it is entertaining and informative as well, but my goal has always been for this blog to be bigger than myself.

Maybe that sounds arrogant. And maybe it is over ambitious. But it is honest.

So how do I bridge the two, ministry and creativity? How does the heavenly meet the earthly?

Well, I look to Jesus.

I'm not claiming to be Jesus. Nor do I fancy myself a perfect man. And I'm not, nor ever will be God.

But I do try to listen to the Holy Spirit. I can accomplish alot of the same things that Jesus did, minus sacrificial death and resurrection. I can tackle social issues and deal with the things that are of the world in hope of making things better; not better for the World's sake, but for Heaven's. I can strive to be in the world but not of the world.

And isn't that what Jesus did? And look at Old testament law. The majority of the laws dealt with social and cultural issues. Jesus came to fulfill the law. Jesus dealt with social and cultural issues in His ministries and His teachings were full of social and cultural content. That's how He met people where they live, by talking about things that they cared about. And that's still a good model for ministry today, although our Churches have lost sight of that truth.

And that is what I hope happens with this blog. That's what I hope happens with my life.

I appreciate the compliments and learn from the criticisms. I desire fame and fortune and my ego likes to be stroked at times. And while I seriously don't expect this blog to accomplish much professionally, I do hope for such deep inside.

But that is not nor will it be my primary goal, in life or the blogosphere.

Maybe this will shed some light on a facet of my personality, but more importantly shed some light on what my purpose for writing will be.

This was a difficult thing for me to blog about. I don't like to sound apologetic and hope this doesn't come across as such. I try not to be overly personal for the most point. I don't think that anyone really cars to learn about the philosophies of my personal life. But I felt like these were the words I was supposed to type today. And this is my attempt to be obedient to the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes God lets me be me and vent and fuss as long as I remain inside the parameters of what he has set for me in my life and activities. Generally, my ministries have always been misunderstood and difficult to explain, but that's me and that how God wants it, and honestly that's how I kinda like it.

But I surrender all of those concessions today and have written out of obedience. I hope these words find the one or ones they were meant to reach. I hope that God uses these words that he inspired for whatever purpose He desires.

I don't fully understand and have no way of tying all of this together in a neat package today. I do hope everyone has a great weekend and hope that God blesses us all!

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