Friday, December 19, 2008

Self-Inflicted Blog:TGIF Edition


Where to start with the random musings? I guess with the asinine; "Scientist Use Computers to Record Music Composed by Fish"...huh? I have to admit that I didn't read the article. Maybe there is more to it than meets the eye. And most likely the piscean tunes will be better than a lot of the pop-culture crap that is out there now. But the title, 'scientist' carries the weight of 'birthday clown', when it deals with Internet articles. So I don't foresee many of the songs making many play lists out there...I also have to admit that, initially, I thought that they may have been talking about a new Marillion album; and maybe found the old lead singer.

Now the bailout section: The White House will bailout GM and Chrysler by providing low interest loans. Is it just me, or didn't high risk, charitable loans get us in some of this economic mess? And where do I get my bailout "loan"? I'm as impoverished and just as likely to pay back the debt...I voted for Bush and have tried to support him, but I have to admit that he has gone off of the deep-end. This must be the "presidential legacy disorder" that most all of the presidents suffer from during their lame duck status...If I had much faith in Obama, I would be ready for change about now... And it is too bad that Obama isn't bringing much at all, though he campaigned on and promised so...

And that brings us to the illogical section of today's blog: The members of the homosexual agenda are up in arms about Rick Warren swearing in Obama next month. They are afraid that Warren's influence on Obama may lead the president elect to break campaign promises(say it aint so) and re neg on his support of the gay agenda. Yet during the campaign the same people sadi that Obama was "his own man" when it came to his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Jesse Jackson, the Tony guy in prison, members of Acorn, and all of the political connections in Illinois. So suddenly Obama isn't a strong enough man to resist Rick Warren's convictions? I didn't think you could have it both ways, unless you are a politician or a member of the main stream media; both of which were supposed to be ushered out after the "Election of Change" had taken place...color me confused...But at least Obama is considering appointing the first openly gay military chief. Maybe that will keep the peace; never mind choosing the most qualified person.

And now to close out with the shameful: Crude oil hit the 5 year low mark, below $34 a barrel. But you will notice that, locally, gasoline has gone up at the pump. Why? Because it is Christmas time and people will be travelling. And travelling means more gas consumption. What a racket! And normally, it really wouldn't bother me so much personally; but this year things are so tight for so many people. Many people have lost jobs. Foreclosure rates are supposed to be at an all time high. People want to spend money on friends and family, forgetting some of the economic glum. But I guess it is more important to gouge for dollars during the marketing extravaganza we call Christmas, than to spread any cheer and celebration of Jesus birth...and we don't trust China because we are afraid that they will take advantage of us! They will have to take a number and wait in line behind our fellow Americans...Merry Christmas consumers!

And that is about all I have time and energy for today.


Shawna said...

All good points...well the fish thing is just weird. Whatever happened to the investigation into Acorn? I haven't heard it brought up since the election. I'm so ready for my Jetson style car that would run something other than gasoline. Water would be nice.

Anonymous said...

I thought the fish thing was odd also...I haven't heard any more of the Acorn investigation, surprise surprise...and i am ready for the jetson mobile also! Solar power would be a nice dream also!

Anonymous said...

Wal-Mart is gouging also. I was there to pick up some items for christmas. The item is usually $8.00 and was scratched out and priced for $10.00. Shame on Wal-Mart!

Anonymous said...

Tis the season, anonymous!