I am too outraged over the auto industry bailout to get into it. And really there is nothing new to rant about anyway. just more ineptness...No need in beating a dead horse...
I do trust that everyone had a good weekend and that everyone was able to rest well knowing that our congress gave themselves a $4700 a year raise on Friday. Phew! I know was relieved! Now Nancy Pelosi is making $217,000 a year, give or take a couple hundred. Maybe she can afford her own private jet now and give the overburdened taxpayes that she cars so deeply about a little bit of a break...Only in American government can someone so inept with such low approval rating manage a raise. If only it worked that way in the real world.
And our congress has the nerve to ask that the automakers show a sound fiscal plan and some responsibility before they are given taxpayer money. I guess they are worried about the risk of default by the automakers. Well we all know that I am against thses bailouts in the first place, but for our congress to ask for fiscal responsibility from anyone in the business sector when no one is holding them accountable is a little bit odd to me, personally. Seems like investing money in congress is a worse risk of our capital; and it's not like we will get any of that money back! Considering the current economic woes and the emotions of the people, I think I would have forgone the raise this year. But what do I know?
I will tell you one thing that I "think" though; and that is that the United States has a revolution coming. And I don't mean a violent, warlike revolution; and certainly not any type of Orwellian futuristic scenario will come into play. I do not desire, nor do I expect, any type of anarchy in the streets type thing either. But I do think that the economic woes will lead to struggles between the socio-economic classes; but not like Marx predicted or desired.
I guess I should try to explain myself more clearly on this issue; and I will do such if my kids will quit interupting my train of thought for a moment. And remember, usually my train of thought is more of a 1887 steam engine thing, not a slick, european magnetic railway express. It is easily derailed. But try to follow me and my insomnia induced theory for a moment: We are due to have another revolution, or at least a revolutionary. During the 1600's and 1700's America grew tired of politics forced upon us; and grew tired of forced politics that affected our well being and our socio-economic future. So one thing lead to another, and soon revoltionary thinkers began to rise up. The ideas of these revoltionaries inspired men and brought people with common interest together. The next thging you know, we have the American Revolution. And a lot of great men came from this period of time. Franklin, Adams, Jefferson, and the likes. Even Hamilton, who I may not agree with politically or economically, can't be denied the influence he had upon the formation of our country. Anyway, the point being that many great men came from that period of time when our socio-economic future was very uncertain. And these men have inspired us for centuries now.
We have had othger great thginkers along the way. One could argue that Emerson helped or hurt The American Dream by his American Transcendentalism. Mark Twain and his sphere of influence cannot be looked over. Thomas Edison, though by questionable means, contributed many things to the "American Lifestyle". Whitney's Gin and McCormicks Plow helped shape an agrarian economy. And certainly there are many others, who time and spce won't allow us to examine at the moment, who have contributed to this great country. But no real men of philosophy or ideals have emerged since our revolution. We have made great industrial strides as well as corrected many civil injustices; but no real genius seems to have been heard since our American Revolution. At least no one on a world wide scale.
And maybe that is what I am getting at; not so much that there has been no real genius, but that there hasn't been any world recognized American thinker, other than a handful in the finer arts, in a couple of hundred years.
And I think that we are due. Of course it may be a good thing that we have not had a world wide recognized American thinker; look at some of the other "world wide" influences such as Marx, Rousseau, Freud, so on and so forth. But I do think it could be interesting to see if any such person arises from this period of time; such as men in Europe arose from their 'dark" periods of socio-economic duress. And it would be intersting to hear the philosophies of said American Revolutionary if one emerges. And interesting to see if another American Revolution will take place.
It will also be interesting to see if this period of time is as "dark" of a period as some of the main stream media has painted.
But what is probably not interesting is this blog today. Believe it or not, I didn't set out to make this boring; it just evolved from a simple sleep deprived thought and several interuptions on a crazy Monday morning. Thanks for bearing with me.
And let me know if you have any thoughts on this subject. Maybe you can help me tie this theory, for lack of a better word, together. Who knows, maybe we can win a Nobel Prize or something. If Al Gore and Jimmy Carter can, I think anyone with a third grade education must be eligible. Even if barely, like myself.
Morehouse Flood 2011
13 years ago
You bring up a lot of interesting and very scary points.
1. A revolution - Democracies (and Republics which is what we are) don't last for more than about 200 years. We are at 232 (from 1776) or 219 (from 1789).
2. The reason - Money and corruption. When people in power realize they can give themselves money (raises) from "Public" money they will continue to do so. Furthermore people will only vote for the candidate that offers to give them the most money thereby causing shortages. And lastly because social (welfare) programs become so burdensome that they cannot be supported.
That's my 2 cents anyway.
I agree with your 2 cents, Ronnie. And i think that a global economy like it is now and living in the information age can cause the "transition" of Democratic/Republic to occur faster than it did 200 years ago.
And while we have always been a mixed economy; the mix is changing now, due to the social programs and nature of government regulations now.
I don't think it is gloom and doom, due to the resilience of most Americans. But I do think that "change" is coming; and I'm not speaking of Obama and his politics. I just think it is a cyclical part of history and mankind.
But again, what do I know? You could probably blog more about the historical aspect.
And that is my extra 2 cents...and it didn't cost anyone a thing! Ha Ha!
I would like to know how you know some of this information??
Where do you find this? How do you find this? I would like to find some of this information myself.
Do you ever feel at times your brain is going to explode? HaHaHa (Joke)
And I do agree that we are going to see a change but I am not sure what or how. And it is not an Obama change either. What is your thoughts on the kind of change we are going to see?
Trying to keep it simple which will be difficult to do but I have heard constantly about a change that is coming.
Just give my your thoughts.
As far as how I know this stuff and where to find this stuff, I honestly don't know where to begin to tell you to find it. I have been a HUGE reader my entire life. And I enjoy reading a little bit of everything. Some of it has absorbed into my brain, I guess.
Try finding an online encyclopedia, type in a subject that interests you, and take it from there. You may be surprised at how much you can learn and how much that you do know- and how little I really know.
And also remember that I write a lot of made-up, theoretical stuff; I'm not much of a historian.
I also study my Bible a lot. You would be surprised at the wisdom that can be gained from studying the Bible. And God says that He will give wisdom feely if we ask.
Wisdom is the beginning of knowledge.
As far as what change that I see for our country, I think we can look at European socio-economic models. For some reason, intellectuals here have a thing about copying European models.
I think we will really begin to see much more socialization of our economy and nationalization as well. I do not think that these will be good things, but not necessarily the end of the country. Many sectors of business and industry will be owned and operated by the government; kind of like the Post Office is today.
It will be interesting to see how the American people handle the transition to more socialization and nationalization. We don't have a feudal system as Europe did. We havenn't had tyrants nor have we had a system of government controlled by clerics or prophets.
Europe had all of these to overcome. And these fueled the fire of revolution. Our concept/fear of poverty may fuel our "revolution"; along with the socio-economic divisions that seem to occur before most revolutions.
I think that Americans are less likely to accept some of the changes than Europeans were. We have had the taste of freedom and success and will not give our liberties up very easily; and that I am proud of!
All of this can tie into Biblical Prophecy, but more on a worldy scale than an American scale.
And this may happen in ten years or ten thousand years. Only God knows.
I surely hope we don't follow the way of the European socio-economic model, that will lead us into ruin. George Washington said, "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is, in extending our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop." I don't think Washington knew what would happen in the future, but I think he understood quite well that we had succeeded from breaking away from Europe and away from Europe is where we should stay. He wasn't talking about socialist economic principles (those principles weren't postulated for another 50 years), but he had a strong feeling that following Europe would be detrimental to our Union. I'm not Anti-Europe, but it sure does seem that way LOL. Since I have railed on Europe enough I should make sure I say -- Long Live Vaclav Havel.
Well put, Ronnie.
All of this leads toward global economic policies and monies...maybe in 5 years maybe in 5oo years, but we are seeing the first stages of it.
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