Monday, December 15, 2008

Shoe Throwin' Muslim, Less Bailout News, and The Blagojevich Ordeal

I am trying not to get into the auto bailout issue today. I am sure that everyone is just as tired as I am of the issue that should be a non issue. i will say again, however, that we are going to have to get back to principals and philosophies if we want to right the course of things economical and moral.

We do seem to hear from a lot of "experts" on the issues these days. Has anyone else noticed that a lot of the expert opinion is built upon the expert opinion of a previous expert? And to take matters to the next level of thought, why do many people accept the ideology of the experts? Look at the philosophies and ideas of Marx, Rousseau, Nietzsche, Freud, Shelley, all supposed experts in their respective fields. Then look at their lives and their actions. They were beasts. Immoral, self-centered, narcissistic, ego maniacal, hard hearted individuals. Yet civilizations are supposedly built upon their philosophies. Of course that is probably a stretch, but to ignore their influence is naive. And while they are human with human faults like the rest of us, they are given a sentiment and respect of Promethean propensity. Maybe people forget that they are people. And while the topic is too deep and multi-faceted to be adequately covered in one blog, we none the less need to remember that any given intellectual theory is theory, not fact. And that we are all human and have intrinsic qualities that makes us all important with valid concerns, hopes, qualities and flaws...and God loves us all.

Was that random or what?

How about President Bush having to dodge a pair of Egyptian loafers over the weekend? Personally, it would have "been on" if a reporter chucked his shoes at me. Not to mention that someone would have walked back to Egypt barefoot, possibly with a loafer hanging out of his...well you get the picture. Actually, the entire thing invoked more of a chuckle than any type of anger for myself personally. It reminded me of the old Eddie Murphy skit about "shoe throwin' momma"; but this was more of a "show throwin' muslim" mental picture. Regardless of whatever it invoked in each individual, the President handled it all pretty well. And the story did break up the monotony of the economy in the news.

And what about this Blagojevich mess? You would think that man having to spell that last name since he was in kindergarten would be a little brighter than all of this. And to say that "spying" on him was a little Nixonish; and that's, well, insert your own comment here...One thing that is a little troubling is that some people are trying to tie this to President Elect Obama and Rahm Emmanuel. Of course, if there is evidence that incriminates them, then it should be investigated. But this is not a time to play partisan politics. Whether you voted for Obama or not, he is our President Elect and he has bigger fish to fry than all of this. I haven't heard any evidence that would place him at any fault in this scandal. And I think that he and Emmanuel are smarter than that, anyway. So if there is evidence against them, bring it out in the open and let's get on with it. If not, stop trying to manipulate and theorize and play a lot of partisan political crap that people are frankly tired of. And i would think that the Conservatives have more to be concerned with anyway. The party isn't exactly inducing a lot of pride, hope, or future at the moment...besides, we all know that Obama came from the corrupt Chicago/Illinois political scene. Most of us know how he attained his senate seat in the first place. All of this should have already been covered and digested by now. But he got a free pass on all of it during the presidential race and now it is over and done with; it's time to move forward if no new criminal evidence is found...We have made our bed, so to speak, with this election/issue.

And that is about it for now. I am gonna spend a few minutes with my children before tackling any more of the world's problems today. Have a glorious Monday!


Shawna said...

Well your first paragraph…what, huh, my brain hurts. But on to your second one, I think we as a country have allowed others to look at our president as someone whom we can throw shoes at and that is sad. I don’t believe that the president has to power to make all the decisions that got us in the mess we are in today. I think as Americans we should stand behind our leader unless he did something bad enough to impeach him. Third paragraph, yes I will still feel the same way as above even when Obama is holding the reins, but I might be praying that he’ll do something so bad that we can impeach him. =)

Anonymous said...

You are right about the way in which other countries view our president. And if the truth were told, many Americans have let foreign opinion taint their domestic viewpoint. I guess i mostly considered the source in the shoe incident this weekend. If an American had thrown the shoe, i would have probably had a come apart...And there is no way that anyone with any sense can blome all of our current problems on President Bush. I agree that one person does not have the power to single handedly ruin things. The president does set a moral tone, whether they realize or believe it or not. I would blame more of our problems now on Clinton, but that is another issue and not entirely his fault either...

It is difficult to support Obama and still wish that he weren't our president elect. I struggle with it daily...

Anonymous said...

I struggle with Obama also, but these passages make in clear there is no reason to and that we must pray for diligently:

The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord;
he turns it wherever he will. (Proverbs 21:1)

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

Matt W

Anonymous said...

Good post, Matt! That is the best advice for all of us whether we struggle with leadership or not!