Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wednesdays Rantings on Theory and Conspiracy

First of all, I would like to thank my wife for the blog on Monday. She did her usual fantastic job and from the feedback that I have received, made a lot of people stop and think. As for myself, I'm mostly wondering why there aren't more horror movies on t.v. We are close to Halloween. And we have Christmas decorations for sale at Wal-Mart. So why no creature features? Especially the old black and whites? I need to see "Creature From the Black Lagoon". I'm jonesing for Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney Jr., and Boris Karloff...

Otherwise I have nothing very important on my mind this morning. Just some random thoughts:

Why do we need another $200 billion for more bailout? Did the makers of wooden arrows not receive enough pork? And look how well the first trillion has worked. Do our congressmen really think that we are that easy? Does anyone else feel like we are being scammed; like our government is full of confidence men and flim-flam artists? I'm not usually this jaded, but this congress is atrocious. And that is being generous. I suggest that everyone write their congress person and let them know what you think. I have one letter to Jo Ann Emerson in already and am working on another. We should let them know that they may actually lose their jobs if they don't begin to represent us.

And how about Joe Biden saying that we will be tested with some type of calamity if Obama is elected? To say that rogue state or organization will test the unproven leader's mettle seems not only counterproductive but not a smart strategic move. Of course the liberal media would have to jump on the story first. How many of you have even heard about Biden's statement? He is by far worse about foot in mouth disease than Sarah Palin, but they are crucifying that poor lady. And i say that not because I am conservative, but because it is the truth. She has had alot of unfair treatment and inaccurate portrayal in the news. And i don't agree with giving her the Dan Quayle treatment. Let her interview and let her speak her mind. If the GOP has any real confidence in her they will loosen the reins.

Rounding out the political train of thought, i actually read that John Hinkley attempted to assent Reagan because he was friends with the Bush family and there was a conspiracy to make George H. Bush president. I am not making this up. I know there are conservative not jobs, see Rush Limbaugh, but I am afraid that the liberals are far more advanced in their conspiracy. Just look at Hollywood if you don't believe me. And that's not because i am conservative; just look at the facts...and I knew the Bush family could control hurricanes, but I had no idea that W. was so powerful in the 80's. And they said he was busy partying...little did we know...

And how about Brett Favre's classless act of turning stool-pigeon on his former team. And though he did nothing illegal, he certainly was unethical. But he will get a free pass on this also. We worship celebrity. And ESPN and Sports Illustrated contribute to that as much as the news, E chanel, and Hollywood. They may not lean in any direction politically, but they lean, none the less.

In the science news, a mountain range in Antarctica has been found. And scientist say that it shouldn't be there. That is right, it shouldn't be there. They say that the Gamburt Mountain Range defies laws of tectonics and vulcan theory. They have no understanding of where it came from or how they were formed. They aren't even certain of an age. Yet last week they dated some rock with a footprint and found an exact age. I guess they misplaced their radiocarbon dating kit this week. Or maybe it doesn't work on ice. Whatever it is, I'm certain that they will receive grants, get the top minds on the case, and solve this mystery. They will never admit that they aren't certain. Even if they have to create another theory to make all of the other theories accurate. Then they will label it as fact, when it is just another half baked theory. And professors in colleges who never panned out to be significant, will sell this fraud to the masses. But I will be the ignorant one for not accepting their findings on blind faith. Sounds a little dogmatic to me.

And that is about it for today. I will continue to solve the world's problems on Friday.

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