Friday, September 12, 2008

Lipstick, Ike, and Insomnia

It is late in the night or early in the morning, depending on how "chronologically" literal your interpretation of 3:30AM to be. Myself, I just view it as 3:30 AM. I keep odd hours and have insomnia frequently, so I don't know if I'm getting up early or getting to bed late. I do know that being an insomniac used to have certain advantages that no longer exist. One of the perks was television. It used to not be uncommon to be up watching t.v. at three in the morning and find a plethora of B movies, sci-fi flicks, or any given cult film. But infomercials have ruined all of that. And I do mean ruined. Instead of being able to catch, "Robinson Crusoe on Mars" or "The Omega Man", the insomniac now has to watch pseudo round table discussions about bigger body parts, smaller body parts, herbal snake oil, omega vitamins, curly hair, straight hair, or how to make a better sandwich in a $300 oven. It makes me wonder if the economy is really as bad as it has been made out to be. I do know that if people have money to spend on the junk they peddle to all of us struggling with somnolence, that we can't be doing all that bad.

And that is about all of the "soapbox" I care to stand on at the moment. The rest of today's web log will mostly be some random thoughts and musings:

Who knew lipstick would have been such a hot topic in the news this week? Wow! And who didn't think that Obama knew what he was doing? Not that he was calling Palin a pig; I sincerely doubt that we have resorted to first grade put downs, but he was reminding people that, "Obama is still here even though the limelight has found a new crush and I want people to think of me when they hear the word lipstick not just Palin and Covergirl"... Remember, he is nuanced...And how about the McCain camp and all of that pretend anger? Wow! After painting Palin as a tough, iron-willed, and durable individual, suddenly she can't endure a less than sophomoric jab? I kept waiting for the official denouncing to include something to the extent of, "Mr. Obama being a real poopy-pants on this name calling issue".

And speaking of Obama; when you live by the media, you die by the media...Just ask Bill Clinton.

Why couldn't I hit the lousy softball last night?

Who's hotter? Ginger or Mary Ann?

Is peanut butter better on toast or plain white bread? And can I get in trouble for saying "white" bread? Even if it is non-gendered?

How about Hurricane Ike? Secretly, I hope there is a Tina if we get to the T's. And there is nothing more patriotic than gouging your fellow American during a time of crisis. Just ask the people in the oil industry and the owners of the gas stations...Close the refineries, jack the price up $3.00. Reopen the refineries, drop the price $1.00...thats John Adam's "invisible hand" reaching into your pocket. I guess if anyone is gonna take advantage of the American consumer it may as well be one of our own. Why let China and Saudi Arabia get all of the glory? The true patriot would rather be fleeced by an American!

Another thing on Hurricane Ike; Where is all of the media frenzy for Texas? I know that Louisiana stole Mississippi's thunder, but Texas? If Ike were bearing down on N"Orleans, we would be seeing the same old gashing of teeth and melodrama we have seen and heard for three years. I don't mean to be insensitive, but I can't help wonder why there is such a difference in the media coverage. Is Ray Nagin the X factor? Even though he can't spell X? Does Jerry Falwell know God loves people less in Texas? Was George Bush behind Hurricane Ike? Or did he use all of his super powers up when he summoned Katrina to destroy the Chocolate City? Maybe it is Jim Cantore's fault...this one is above my pay grade. And that was a jab, unlike a lipstick comment. Just in case we have lost out perspective.

Why is France so afraid of the Higgs Boson?

Why do I care?

What would happen if Dracula bit Frankenstein?

It was nice to see everyone come together for the 9/11 tribute and honorings. It is a shame that it sometimes takes a tragedy to bring people together. But that is how it goes for most families. And all Americans should be viewed as family....well maybe most, not all.

Did Al Franken really win a primary in Minnesota? Wasn't it Minnesota? Or was it Stuart Smalley and gosh darn it, people will vote for him?!!?

And that is all of the musings for now...Actually, I have trouble with my stomach when I mention Al Franken. I was trying so hard not to focus on Oprah and Matt Damon's brilliance that I slipped up and formed an image of an extreme idiot, God love them... And since I said God love them I can call them idiots, God love them...anyway, the adverse reaction to the asinine, needs to be reconciled, bodily. So I must end things here.

But remember, God does love everyone! Jesus died for Al Franken just as he died for me! So have a good weekend and thank God for grace every chance that you get!


Anonymous said...

I liked this blog ... it kept my a.d.d.self (haha) interested and it was a bit lighter than some other blogs youve done...and the humor was witty and very you!Good job my bro!I gotta go put some lipstick on so gosh darnit people will like me cause im good enough and smart enough!

Anonymous said...

I've had other people say the same thing about this blog. I guess I need to keep it more interesting...

Thanks for the compliments! And gosh darn it, people do like you.

Ronnie Lutes said...

I haven't even read the entire blog and I get to the John Adams quote and almost fainted. Never ever see John Adams quoted and its a shame, Great American. Kicks the you know what out of Jefferson. My 2 cents for what its worth.

Ronnie Lutes

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the 2 cents, Ronnie! I'm glad you read some of the blog! I always need opinions, feedback, and insight and yours are always welcome.

John Adams really was a great American!

Ronnie Lutes said...

MInus of course the Alien and Sedition Acts, but hey his Ultra-Federalist cabinet (chosen by Washington) spurred on by Hamilton caused most of that.

Anonymous said...

You're above me on this one...I like Hamilton's ability to stir the pot though...Good, Old Fashioned politics!