Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday Morning Musings

I have a hodgepodge of notes, scribblings, and musings cluttering up my desk, and even more in my head. In an attempt to clear up and organize both, here is today's two cents worth:

I see that there was a poll done on the relationship between depression and television watching. This is almost as useless as the study showing that people on antidepressants are more likely to commit suicide than people who don't take antidepressants. Some things just seem obvious with or without a scientific study...In getting back to the television/depression study; how much television have you watched lately? I watch Missouri sports teams and that is reason enough to be depressed these days, but I watch little else. "King of the Hill" is in it's final season and "Corner Gas" doesn't come on as often, these are depressing facts. I have, however, maintained a generally decent level of emotion. But if I watched much more than old black and white movies or Andy Griffith, I doubt I would be able to maintain much of a sanity level. There is nothing except crap on television! There is too much tension, drama, melodrama, nonsense, mind-numbing, sex, reality(?) and the like, on our sets these days. Who wouldn't get depressed watching much of this junk? Why aren't there any decent shows? Or even anything creative. I'm sure many may not share my sentiment, but t.v. is pretty depressing in it's content, expression, and it's creativity in my opinion. I wonder what the suicide rate is among depressed people taking anti-depressants while watching too much television?

Why is the NAACP still the NAACP? I mean, isn't it politically incorrect to call someone colored? And aren't we all some color? My generation, as well as myself personally, have never called anyone colored...maybe they are due for a name change.

Does anyone watch the NHL? And of the two people that may, are you tired of hearing about the excessive hitting? And the head injuries? Players need to learn not to rely on rules for protection and not place themselves in poor positions on the ice...I miss the days when there was some common sense...and I am ready for the days without Gary Bettman, the worst commissioner in the history of sports.

I encourage everyone to write their congress people and oppose the automaker bailout. I understand that it is a difficult situation and I feel for the workers and their families. But we need to act on some principles before there is nothing remaining to act upon. The Free Market is not a failure, it's the government intervention that is causing the problems. And on a side note, ask the UAW what they are prepared to do to help the situation. The trillion dollar fiasco that Bush,Paulson,Frank, etc proposed only brings us closer to Hamilton's idea of central banking and farther away from where we need to be, economically. And look how good that bailout has done. Not to mention that Paulson announced that he will not be buying the bad debt and etc or investing in the financial sector to the extent that was initially proposed. So besides the pork and earmarks, what or who has benefited? Ans as Thomas Jefferson said,"A government big enough to give you all you want, is big enough to take everything you have." We may need to be reminded of that more than we wish the next few years...

There was a rash of blame and finger pointing last week by pastors and politicians last week. For some reason, many sex scandals and the like were in the news. Was it Bill Clinton's birthday? Anyway, no one was very ready to accept blame for their own decisions but many were quick to point to abuse, neglect, and stress in their lives that caused them to make the poor decisions in their lives. It made me wonder why i have failed in areas of my life and as soon as I decide who caused it, i will feel better about myself...Give me a break...and before we judge these people too harshly we really should examine our own lives first...but no one is too blame for our personal decisions but ourselves. People and situations may make it more difficult to overcome certain obstacles, but we are always accountable for our own, personal decisions. And our churches and our government should be leading the way in teaching that philosophy...but what do i know?

Frustration is generally the manifestation of selfishness or fear...that one is mine. Feel free to use it...

I also have some notes on Kelvin, Celsius, aphelion, miles multiplied by 8,divide by 5=1.6 conversion. It is also -454 degrees Fahrenheit in space and the Earth temp ranges from 184K to 287K...I'm not sure what theory I was working on there. Any ideas?

And that clears up enough clutter for the day. I will save the rest for another time.

I hope everyone has a good week! Try to be productive, purposeful, and Christlike in all that you do!


Anonymous said...

I agree with you on the auto bailout. I also think that we have to stand up and fight against the FOCA that is going to be signed right when Obama takes office.
Here is a link:

Take care,
Matt W

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, Matt. We definetly need to support this fight. And not just as Christians. I really don't know how this has become a religious thing. Murder is murder. Even if it is called planned parenthood or a lifestyle choice. It is taking of an innocent life...I hope people all across the board, not just Christians, fight this!

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you Ronnie

--Matt W

Ronnie Lutes said...

I started my own blog today. A Leap in the Dark.