Friday, July 25, 2008

Obama's European Tour

While watching the coverage of Obama's European Tour this week, I have often wondered why his book, and only written works both literary as well as legislative, was titled, "The Audacity of Hope" instead of being simply titled, "The Audacity". Who does this guy think he is? And was he overseas as a senator or as a presidential candidate? With his voting record basically being a "present" vote over 200 times in his brief, two year senatorial career, I wonder why he, of all people, would be qualified as any type of delegate to visit the Middle East or Europe. I also wonder why and if any taxpayer money was spent to finance this leg of his campaign.

There are also questions of why he didn't spend more time in Iraq and why he cancelled his visit of injured military people in Germany. I understand the latter issue he said that he didn't want treated as a campaign issue. At least that is what he said. But who really believes that? I'm sure he wouldn't have had any difficulty telling all of those Americans laying in the hospital beds that he appreciates all that they have done even though it has all been for nothing; a complete military failure. Then he could explain why he managed to vote for cutting the funding needed to maintain their safety. Especially after so many votes of merely "present" being on his senatorial record. Could he actually have a conscience in these regards? And if he does, what is to stop his ego from trumping it? No, I think he knew that Americans are a little more difficult to exploit than Germans and that he didnt have many friends or fans in any military hospitals.

And I think this is basically the case for his brief visit in Iraq. Some say that he didn't want to be seen with a lot of muslims, further strengthening his ties to a radical religion. There may be some truth to that, but I think he just doesn't have much support there; and he refuses to lose his rock star staus by appearing lame in front of any crowd. And he is so brilliant that he has already laid out his plan for Iraq long before he even stepped foot in the region. So the need for anyone in the military regard has long since passed.

And he needed to end his tour on a high note. Get the formalities of the Middle East out of the way and get on to the more important issues, like Obama! The German charade was the equivalent of an encore at a rock concert. And almost as useful. I wonder how many of the people at the Victory Column will be voting for Obama come November? I can tell you the answer to that, one. Obama. But it will still successfully dupe many Americans already enamored with his popularity into believing Obama's self-promotion. But so does Brittany, Paris, Lindsey, and whoever else the media showers their blessings on; so one really shouldn't be surprised.

He is slick though. Too bad Clinton initially took the 'slick" moniker because it really suits Obama better. More empty rhetoric, full of finger pointing and empty promises while lacking any substance, or even solutions. Just a bunch of bombast.

One of the things that I find interesting is that "Obama's European Tour" hasn't helped him in the polls. Even with CNN's "Audacity of Hype" coverage he hasn't gained any ground on McCain. Actually he has lost ground. And despite all of the overinflated ego shared by him and the press Obama only leads McCain by 4%. Not a large margin for a Rock Star. According to the RCP poll he has lost points, albeit slight. Maybe more Americans are beginning to see through this masquerade.

I would like to end this as saying that I do not hate Obama. I am very critical of him and I think his media coverage is scandalous. I think he and his wife are bad for America. I find him dangerously underqualified to be our president, especially during the difficult times we are facing. And I do not endorse McCain, although I most likely will vote for him. He would not be my first choice for president but he is the best choice, in my opinion, at the moment.
I hope I don't offend any of my friends, especially my best friend and his family, who always vote opposite of myself and have conflicting views. I think all of my friends and I are part of what can work in this country; people who view things differently but don't allow those views to be a hindrance in our relationships. People who can respect each other's opinion when it is not crammed down our throat, and continue to root for the same football team as well as root for each other in our everyday lives.

Its basically like I tell my four year old son...We love Obama as a person but we sure don't want him as our president.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Ronnie. I totally agree!

Anonymous said...

Very well written son, but I think cable news and common sense folk have beat you to the punch. We're not all dummies in our beloved USA.

Anonymous said...

Ohmygosh, I just realized I accidently, unintentually, called my family and your best friend's family dummies. I am so sorry. Seriously,

Eric J. Burton said...

That was an awesome blog post.