Monday, February 16, 2009

Random Thoughts on Things Other Than Politics

It looks as if the stimulus package is a done deal and there is really no sense in crying about it any longer, so I will regress on the pork, I mean spending, I mean stimulus package and all of it's wonderfully nonpartisan, American people first glory. Not to mention that I am out of Pepto, so I can only think of the measure for a brief moment.

And so much for campaign promises. Although I had hoped that i was wrong about our president, I see that I was not. And I think he will be historically worse than Carter, although the media and the leftists will never let it happen without a good fight and much propaganda.

But enough politics. And if you need a couple of words that will make you chuckle, just think Tim Geitner...see?!!? You feel better already...

I see that the new Friday the Thirteenth was the big winner at the box office this weekend, grossing $42.5 million. Wow! Maybe the government should nationalize the movie industry and turn a profit. Oops! I said enough politics, didn't I? Anyway, I see that the industry is 22% higher in earnings verses this time last year. And I'm sure that means something to a statistician somewhere. My thoughts initially focused on the fact that Hollywood has had so few new ideas, that they are rehashing the old hashed movies. Nothing like riding a dead horse all the way to the bank. But I also have to admit that the thought of kids lining up to see Jason Vorhees slashing people to pieces brings back some good memories. I remember going to those flicks in the 80's. The theater would be full of friends and schoolmates eating popcorn and throwing Junior Mints, screaming every time the pet cat jumped through a window on the big screen. And if you were lucky enough to sit by any one of the four girls that you were sweet on that week, well it was a given that she needed to be protected and would feel much safer with your arm placed ever so clumsily around her. Everyone in the theater would allow themselves to be scared for an hour and a half and love it. Of course that was the good ole days, before the real fear of government bailouts and spending. Oops! That one slipped...

I also have to admit that I am the Grinch, who stole Valentine's Day. And I was glad that a slasher flick was the biggest grosser of Cupid's weekend. I am also glad that my wife finds Valentine's Day to be useless; because if she didn't, my opinion on this subject would be moot. And let me explain my stance on v.d. the holiday, not the malaise that comes from some people who celebrate the holiday. I just think it is a holiday for insensitive people. It is a day where you are forced to express your sentiments or else be labeled a cad.Forget how you treat those that you love the other 364 days a year. And who really wants affection when it is forced, less than spontaneous, and required? And what about the people who don't have anyone on Valentines Day? And I don't make reference to those who gloat that they are alone or those who try to pity the rest of us who have someone special in our lives. I am typing about those who don't say anything about it, but go home to an empty house or apartment every day and hate it even more so on Feb. 14. I have always been fortunate to have someone in my life and have rarely been without companionship unless by my own choice. God only knows why, I am nothing special. So I don't write on this from a jaded, lovelorn point of view. It just makes me sad to think of the truly lonely people on Valentines Day. Almost as sad as broken campaign promises of an arrogant, narcissistic leader. Dang! Where did that come from?

I Did anyone read about the super volcano, The Siberian Traps? It seems that "they" have discovered it was responsible for the world's worst extinction. It seems that "they" say that the toxic gas emitted from the super volcano caused 90% of all life on the planet to die off. Which raised a question in my mind: Wouldn't that mean that all of the remaining life on Earth would have to evolve from the remaining 10% of life left after the toxic gas clouds had left? Wouldn't that alter, or set back if you will, the process of evolution? Wouldn't that change the statistics of how long it has taken life to evolve, not adapt, into what it has become today? Doesn't that make the "odds" that evolution was even more unlikely to have occurred? So instead of billions of years, we are now talking about millions, which would alter the stats I have seen on the evolution process. And my same "theory" goes the same for the flood that caused dinosaur extinction and the ice age and the big meteor that landed in Siberia, so on and so forth from mega disaster to mega disaster. It seem like a flaw in the theory to me. If we could only cause the extinction of our major political parties. Oops again. My bad...

And that brings into conclusion, today's random thoughts from yours truly. And those close to me thought that all I thought about was the bogus stimulus package and it's resemblance to horse manure. See?!!? I hardly mentioned it...

In all seriousness, it is time for me to spend some time with the kiddos and take my sorry butt to the gym. I hope that all of you have a good Monday and it sets the tone for what may be a wonderful week!


Anonymous said...

So Ronnie how do you REALLY feel about the stimulus pkg?lol!

Ronnie Lutes said...

Valentine's Day = Great Marketing by Flower and Card people.