It looks like the stimulus package is closer to becoming a reality. This despite the fact that the latest poll that I saw showed that 66% of Americans are against the package. Granted, the poll I looked at is several days old and the numbers may not be accurate now. But the point I want to make is that although the majority, about two-thirds of a majority, of American citizens are against the package, our government keeps pushing the bill through. So my question is, who are our elected officials representing? And is it just me, or does it seem like our government thinks that they know best for us, individually? Does it seem to anyone but me that our elected officials give off the air of arrogance in their actions? Our government and elected officials seem to ignore the wishes and desires of it's people because they are so much smarter than the average Joe, and that we really need them much more than they need us. Congress seems to think that they are doing a favor for all of us ignorant folk who don't really understand the issues. And for some reason, this group of arrogant elitists try to convince us that they better understand the real issues in our personal lives and can better help us than we can help ourselves, God love us and our little pea brains.
This is what gets me so worked up about all of the stimulus and bailout stuff, the principles at work and at risk. Never mind all of the "temporary" programs that were started eons ago that are still in effect, see the income tax. Never mind that. Forget about all of the social programs that were in the best interest of the people during a time of crisis and that now cripple generations and cost us esteem, work ethics, and resilience of nature. The most alarming thing is that our government is not just out of touch, but they are ignoring the wishes of the voting citizens; they are not truly representing it's people. And when the opinion of economists and socialists and intellects trump the needs and desires of the American people, nothing but bad is coming down the pike.
And I'm not trying to be pessimistic, or is it called unpatriotic now? It is out of frustrated optimism that I write from. We have the greatest country in the world. Period. And I do not like the mediocrity that is being peddled these days. I do not like that so many, especially in government, overlook the resilience and the tenacity of the American people. The things that made us great; that nurtured innovators, that produced movers and shakers, that lead to grand ideas and thoughts, are being slowly destroyed. That is what is tragic to me, myself, personally.
And that is why I feel that we should forget numbers and economic strategies and theories by "intellects", and return to the basic principles and ideals that made our country great in the first place. Forget the concepts of Keys and government regulations in our economy. We should deregulate and leave the free market alone. Let "the invisible hand" decide what companies survive and what companies fail; because those companies should control their own destinies, just as we the people should control our own individual destinies. No company is "entitled" to exist. There are no rights guaranteed to businesses. It is the rights of individuals that need protecting and fighting for; and that are guaranteed in our constitution.
We need to stop rewarding failing businesses. We need to stop propping up industries just because of their size. The principle should be that the company that makes the best decisions and produces the best products and best meets the needs and demands of the people, will be rewarded by receiving the most dollars from the consumers and, in turn, will be reflected on and in the stock market. That is a win-win situation for the American people. Better companies produce better products and the dollar gets more value with it's purchasing power as well as what it purchases, as well as better companies in which to invest our money.
There is no need for regulations and rules to govern the regulations and rules written to enforce rules and regulations in the marketplace. In such an inefficient government/market with such regulations, values and monies are inflated, deflated, bubbled, manipulated, and misrepresented. This in turn affects the value of the dollar, which in turn affects the return an individual receives for their works and their products. But the government gets tax monies and can flex it's inflated muscles at every point along the way. Then the interests of the individual, whoever it may be, is lessened and ignored.
And maybe the best interest of the American people is let sectors and businesses fail. Maybe that would help clear away the deadwood and allow for the growth of what is healthy. The market and economy could "right" it's self and we could then see real growth and less manipulated figures in the economy.
And I know that this is dangerous thinking and that there will have to be sacrifices. I know that we may lose leisure time, convenience, and some cable t.v. channels. But in my optimism, I feel that the American people are sturdy, resilient, and capable of enduring such difficult times. I feel that not only are we able, but that we may begin to shine; we may see great men and great products, and great ideals emerge again from our society. I do not want to invite disaster or difficulty, but I think if such were to occur that the American people could begin to take back the country and begin to get real representation back into our government. More deadwood cleared so that the healthy can better grow. I think our economy would flourish. I think our dollar will be closer to being worth 99 cents again. I think that the individuals wishes and needs will be met with greater efficiency; and that is more like the freedom I desire.
I realize that I sound like an anarchist, but I am anything but that. I just think that the role of government should be less instead of more and that bureaucratic red tape could be done away with if the role of government is not redefined, but returned to what it was originally intended for. That would be not only efficiency, but freedom for our government as well.
And lastly, all of the things I write about, as well as our society, requires the morality of the individual to function. So our struggles and our issues are ethical in nature. That is why I feel that most of the people's issues should be dealt with by most of the people. We have to begin to make decisions based on morals and principles and forget theories and abstract economies. we cannot focus on what is best for ourselves financially, but wait for the financial reward that will come when individuals make moral decisions in the best interest of freedom and the pursuit of happiness. No government can give that to any individual. It is a personal choice of every citizen. And remember that Jefferson said that a government that is big enough to give you all that you need is big enough to take all that you have. So it is in everyone's best interest to reject more help from the government and to demand less of a role of government in our economy and in our lives. And it is our duty to make decisions based in principle and backed by ethical choice, and not wait for government to legislate morality as they legislate our money.
Morehouse Flood 2011
13 years ago
Pardon my ignorance but I don't know how democrats think that govt spending stimulates the economy? Republicans are right... tax cuts are the way to go! Let us decide how we spend our own money! You're blog was right on!!!!
I don't think that the Republicans have much of a clue anymore, but tax cuts will help consumer spending and consumption, which is what will fix the economy. Stimulus is a good word for interference on this issue.
I'm glad that you agree with the blog today. I feel pretty strongl;y about my stance.
All I can say is blech!
I'm so annoyed with this whole stimulus package.
blech! blech! blech!
But good post about
Thanks, Shawna. I don't like to brag,I would rather let other people criticize or praise, but I thought it was a good commentary on the stimulus package.
This stimulus package is sending us in a wrong direction. And it is not stimulus! It is a social bill.
blech! is right...
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