Friday, January 16, 2009

Who is John Galt?

Is anyone else glad that it is Friday? That probably is a pretty stupid question, not to mention cliche. But I am glad that it is Friday. I am looking forward to the football games this weekend (Go Cardinals!)

I just have a handful of random thoughts on my mind today and my kids are not cooperating very well today, so this may be rushed. But at any rate, here it is:

How do fiascoes like the Bernie Madoff scandal happen? And who is John Galt?

On other financial news, I read an article this morning that said Citigroup lost $8.29B last quarter. My first thought is that a company that lost that much money and is still operating, must have a butt load of assets! Anyway, the article went on to say that the company will split into two separate groups. Citicorp and Citi Holdings. The split is to separate traditional banking business from riskier ventures in the current economic world. The split also helps to "dismantle the financial supermarket created a decade ago". In other words, the giant financial company is having to get back to the basic principles of banking and make wiser decisions. They will have to be more realistic in their approach to lending and investing. This news caused the company stock to rise 14% in pre-market trading...And my first question is, why weren't they practicing basic, common sense banking in the first place? I know it is not popular or "sexy", whatever that means, to be considered "basic", but you would think that all of the intellectuals and pseudo economists would realize that "basic" is something to build on. Reliability and good decision making should always be in the vogue. But what do I know? I am an objectivist anyway. But you do think that the federal bailout allows people to maintain the status quo and continue bad practices and habits instead of restructuring and "getting back to basics". And social programs do the same thing, restrict ingenuity and drive. Bailout hinders growth and reduces an American asset, strength of will and creative problem solving, to the point of where all people and businesses are the same gray, milquetoast businesses and people. But at least everyone has a chance to get survive; even those who practice bad habits and inept decision making. At least we are "civilized" enough to prevent any type of survival of the fittest where real progress and civility occur; and leeches and remoras of the country are allowed to drag all things to their low level of ethics and practices...and that my friend is redistribution.

I see that a man with atheist beliefs is suing so that the phrase, "so help me ,God" be removed from the swearing in of Barak Obama. Two thoughts, will Obama also have an alternative swearing in by an atheist so he can be all things to all people and no thing of any substance? And secondly, if you don't like the phrase so badly that you feel the need to involve the courts, don't watch the ceremony. I love hockey but hate the Detroit Red Wings, so I don't watch Red Wing games. I'm not entitled to watch only what I want and ignore the desires of others. And so is society the same way. I think we can all do our best to change society, but it will not be through the courts. It will be in our lifestyles and our daily lives. But our philosophy has to change, we can't merely serve ourselves. And aren't we a little more resilient? Can we not get past the political correct garbage of the nineties? And what is the atheist so threatened about? If in his mind there is no God, then just sit back and watch everyone make fools of themselves; and bask in your own self-righteous indignation. Be glad that you are so much smarter than everyone else who has to have God to have a purpose in life.Go ahead and...well you get the point. Why be so threatened? Angry is one thing and stating your point of view is another. But be a man and leave the courts out of this...Do like I do when the Red Wings play, turn the channel.

The Israeli conflict is in full force. And it is difficult to write about because it is so vast and goes so far back into history. It began Isaac and Ishmael...but to be current, a couple of the many thoughts on the conflict. For starters, Jimmy Carter is proof that a president should be shot after they leave the presidency. He really needs to stay out of things...And why all of the backlash against Israel? I don't think that they should be forced into a cease-fire. Hamas needs to be put out of business. And a cease-fire just gives Hamas time to get more weapons in and a chance to regroup...and why the protests in Germany? Do they have a dog in this race? Is anyone calling for their extermination or shooting rockets into their country? And why is most of the backlash against Israel? Do people want a redistribution of power and culture in the Middle East? And since Israel is winning, or has the most, I guess that makes them the bad guys. I bet Connolly is laughing it up at all of the "civilized" nations and the pinhead philosophies. But why is Israel the bad guy? Do they practice human shielding? Do they jeopardize their own people for the advancement of a cause dear to only a handful of people? Israel sends text messages and emails telling people in Gaza when and where they will strike; not always, but often enough. Hamas has had a major voice in the Palestinian Authority and a major governmental power for some time. And like all of the other Palestinian groups, they have done nothing to help produce a Palestinian culture or way of life. Nothing has been done to better the Palestinian people. The basic infrastructure of Palestine has been gutted by one corrupt regime after another. But one thing all of the governing bodies in Gaza agree on is that they must peddle hate and violence. They have shown no desire for a homeland or a culture. So they peddle hate and violence and shoot rockets and strap bombs on women and children all in the name of exterminating the nation of Israel. But then Israel is the bad guy. Israel shows no restraint. Israel is harsh and not politically correct. Enough already...and now it looks like Israel needs to keep an eye on Lebanon. I would say Syria, but they are really an extension of Iran; as are most of these warring countries in that region. And my concern is that one day this will not be a "war by proxy" and that many countries will have to get involved. But that is another topic for another day, as I like to say often.

And those are some of my thoughts for Friday. Anyway, who is John Galt? And besides, I am out of time; I have to go and beat a 20 month old monster right now. Have a good weekend and God Bless!

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